Friday, February 3, 2012

Winston-Salem Night Life, Our Style

Song of the Day: Drive by Incubus

An abbreviated blog post is in order for this evening. We had a busy night. After Fitz got off work, he and Katherine went to the "Art You Can Wear" fashion show at Winston-Salem's Sawtooth Center, just a few blocks away from the apartment.

The fashion show!
We also checked out an exhibit featuring recent artwork from Wake Forest art professors. This bovine-inspired piece was mooo-ving!
The cows!
The night!

Once they got back, they watched Jeopardy and then cooked Chinese stir-fry for dinner.

The veggies before Katherine poured spicy sauce all over it!
After that, they watched Drive, starring Ryan Gosling. It was very good, artistic and surprisingly violent. Still, we enjoyed it a lot. And awesome soundtrack!

1 comment:

  1. How odd is it that we watch Drive on Thursday night. P & I loved it, Laura not so much. The music was very good indeed.
