Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The One Where Adlai Finds His Thumb

Song of the Day: Ho Hey by The Lumineers

So it's been too long since I posted updates! Right now, Adlai is asleep in his crib for a nap. 

This is HUGE. 

For the first month of his life, he hated his crib. Even with the adorable Very Hungry Caterpillar sheets, he hated it. 

He just wanted to be snuggled. 

Not swaddled, snuggled. By me. Or Fitz. Or well, anybody. But so that meant his sleep in the crib was very short and not pleasant. 

A few weeks ago, however, I implemented Operation Sleeper, or a few days of intensive "sleep training." I have no idea if that's a real term or not. But, any time he wanted to sleep or needed a nap, he went in the crib. 

He hated it. 

And hated it some more...until finally...

He fell asleep.* 

Victory! And he's even sleeping for five hour stretches at night. In his crib.

And the latest victory has been happening over the past couple of days, but we caught it on video last night.

Adlai sucked his thumb. The days of the pacifier are coming to an end!

*Just to clarify, we're not implementing "cry it out" per se...Fitz and I are just too soft. Way too soft when it comes to Adlai and his cute baby self. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Merry Christmas, You Filthy Animals!

Song of the Day: Tears Dry On Their Own by Amy Winehouse

One day, I will post more about our life.

Until then, a speedy post!

1. We had a WONDERFUL Christmas! Loved seeing everyone!

And, that's it. Here are some pictures! We think Adlai may have been exhausted by the end...