Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Paint and Carrots

Song of the Day: My Cherie Amour by Stevie Wonder

I feel like every time I open up our blog, my first thought is, "My, how time flies!" And it does! So, here's a quick update...

Last Thursday night, Fitz and I went to a summer associate event with his law firm, which was held at Wine and Design. With someone leading us in painting a scene with four trees, we sat at canvases, sipped our beers, and made masterpieces. I am particularly proud of Fitz who felt the artistic call to paint a volcano in the distance and did so. Someone suggested to me that perhaps not all four of my trees should be planted in the ground. So I have two hanging trees, very Magritte. We had a great time. See below for details.
See Fitz's volcano spewing in the background?
I'd like to point out that I'm squatting in this photo so that David's painting would not be blocked by my head. My height is misrepresented.

Also, yes, Fitz is in his sock feet. As are many others. Or bare feet. It was a wild and crazy night!

And now the munchkin!


Here, Adlai has just conquered a large portion of his carrot and broccoli puree. Adlai seems to love the carrot taste, surprise surprise. (Fitz and Adlai planted some carrot seeds the other day in our garden and they're sprouting!) We are now introducing the sippy cup with moderate success! Not sure if Adlai likes the taste of water just yet.

Our little chatterbox is also introducing us to some new sounds of late. I think they seem to sound, well, toddlerish? A nice high, piercing whine has emerged...

But he is back to sleeping through the night, he's eating great, and sitting up on his own. It's the magical age where you can plop him on the ground and doesn't go anywhere...yet!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Six Months Ago Today...

Song of the Day: Ordinary People by John Legend

Six months ago...

Scrunched up little face, ah so cute!
...Mr. Adlai was born!

And now, today...

That's Rabbit Oppenheimer.

...he's sitting and smiling and laughing and eating food and sometimes all at the same time!

In so many ways, Adlai has changed, because obviously he's a baby and is growing, but in some ways, he's still the same little baby we brought home from the hospital. His eyes are still blue, he still has a lot of hair smack on top of his head, and he makes our hearts burst just at the sight of him.

So Happy Six Month Birthday, Mr. Adlai!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Many Happy Returns, Dear Darling Fitz!

Song of the Day: Someday My Price Will Come & Payphone Mashup

So, it makes me a little sad that I could only manage one post during the month of April. But when you have a munchkin, all bets are off.

I am happy to report, however, that the munchkin is getting back on track. He not only slept through the night last night (8PM to 7AM), but he is also at this very moment napping in his crib.* Two major victories. I may have to eat an ice cream sandwich sometime today to celebrate.

*Yes, napping in his crib. With the radio on full blast. Well, NPR full blast. Soothing voices.

Speaking of celebration, Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet husband Fitz! You are the best husband and the best father!

Two cute boys. I just want to eat them up...
OK, well, since the munchkin is napping, I better do all the things I only dream about doing. Like laundry!