Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Song of the Day: All I Want Is You by Barry Louis Polisar

Congratulations to our San Francisco Giants on the World Series! We were delighted to see the Giants sweep their victory 4-0. After some disappointing games, it was nice to be on the winning side of things (although UNC's victory over State in football on Saturday was pretty remarkable).

Here we are at Giants Stadium in San Francisco last summer...we got the most terrific sunburns that day.
My mom and dad drove up last Thursday to help with some painting in our new house, which was super nice of them to do. They painted the trim in our front living room, and it's amazing how much better it looks in there! Thanks Mom and Dad!

And Baby B? He's getting big. And strong. I think this kid definitely needs to get enrolled in YMCA soccer as soon as possible, he's got a great kick. I'm feeling good, just super tired these days. Thank goodness for Fitz and ready-made food from the Fresh Market!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Four Years and Counting!

Song of the Day: Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens

Today we celebrate our 4th Wedding Anniversary!
I do, I do, I do!

It's hard to believe that four years have already flown by! And we have a baby on the way! And we have a house! Wow! We have a lot to be thankful for, and we surely are grateful.

Here's to many more years! And now, off to a nice dinner in Charlotte...it might be the last one in a while!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Final Countdown!

Song of the Day: 1,000 Times by Tahiti 80

Well, here we are...one more month to go until Baby B's official due date! Of course, he may come earlier or later. I was 10 days early, and Fitz was 10 days late. So, maybe Baby B will average out and show up when he's actually due!

Also, officially, I'm a waddler. It is impossible for me to walk like a normal person anymore.

I also got my first "You look like you're ready to pop!" comment the other day at Home Depot.

Fitz is enjoying his new job and the people he works with a lot. We're very thankful things have worked out so well with our move and his new job and getting ready for Baby B. I'm having fun at home, resting, napping, eating, and getting ready for a baby to join our family.

We took a childbirth class over the weekend, and it was really good for us to go to. We learned a lot, asked about what happens if Dad passes out, which he won't but just in case, and we practiced some breathing techniques for pain management. One of the suggestions was to spell words to help keep your mind distracted and your breathing regular. The very first thing I could think of was "C-A-R-O-L-I-N-A!"

Poor Baby B...I hope he likes light blue!

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Lawyer-Farmer and His Lawyer-Farmer Wife?

Song of the Day: Romulus by Sufjan Stevens

Fitz and I love our new house. Like I mentioned before, there are quirks to this place, but what place doesn't? And honestly, quirky people need a quirky home.

Turns out our quirky home is a pine straw/cone farm.

In a small amount of land, we have an over-abundance of pine trees and thus an over-abundance of pine straw and pine cones. But perhaps we can turn this into a lucrative advantage...

Marinate, you pine cones!
Evidently, people pay for cinnamon pine cones. Well, not this family! We make our own cinnamon pine cones, and if they turn out all right, I will be starting a cinnamon pine cone business. We'll have to see how they do, though. I've got three zip-loc bags of marinating pine cones, and I'm supposed to leave them alone for a few weeks.

Fitz has been really enjoying his new job so far. Lots of good people, making new friends. I've been making new friends too and reconnecting with old ones. If they're lucky, they'll get cinnamon pine cones...and maybe a bale of pine straw for their mulch.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wonderful Time of Year

Song of the Day: Kissing a Fool by Michael Buble

This is a sappy, gooey, warm-fuzzy post.


It's October! If I could, I would wrap a warm scarf around this post. Never mind it's 77 degrees outside.

This is the most romantic month of the year. Fall leaves, moondances, our anniversary, Halloween. Well, Halloween might not be very romantic, but it was the first time I brought Fitz by to meet my parents, so there's a little bit of sappy nostalgia I get when Halloween rolls around. And wow, that was five years ago now! Where does time go?

October is also wonderful because of things like this:
Earl Grey with milk and sugar. Perfect on a rainy October morning.
How adorable is this mug? Fitz got it for me. So when it's cold outside, I can enjoy my sweet owl mug and gaze into the eyes of this funny creature as I sip my tea.

And as for gooey? Well, last Friday was my late grandmother's birthday, and so to honor her, I made her chocolate pie. I even bought the Cool Whip that goes on top.
And I ate it. And maybe a slice more.

Autumn, fall. It's magical. George Eliot is quoted as having said,

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."

And our little one is rapidly approaching his due date! He's a squirmy one! We often wonder if he'll be as squirmy on the outside as he's been on the inside. I guess we'll find out soon!

So happy we're having a fall baby. He may even decide to show up at the end of October, who knows? I have to admit, I'm a litle sad we're missing out on dressing him up for Halloween this year, because of this:
Who wouldn't want to be a goldfish for Halloween??
But I'm not too worried. There'll be next year, and the year after that...