Thursday, February 28, 2013

Adlai and The Pirate

Song of the Day: Wake Up by Arcade Fire

Before we get to the subject that we're all interested in (Mr. A), here's an update on Fitz and Katherine. We're doing great! Things at work are going well for Fitz and things at home are going well for me. We're enjoying our house and are beginning to take up projects. Fitz would like to build a garden and grow, yes you guessed it, carrots and corn, and I am going to attempt sewing curtains for our living room. We'll see how both these endeavors go. But I bet we'll have fun!

And now, to Adlai...

Good news to report! Adlai has slept through the night every night this week so far! He woke yesterday at 5AM (yikes, how quickly one forgets how to cope at that hour) but this morning, he woke up at 6:30. Since he's been going to bed around 9:30PM, we feel this is pretty stupendous.

Naps are a different story. We suspect Adlai feels like if he naps, he's missing out on something fun. But naps are getting better! He's napping even as I type this. Napping in his crib. Without the paci. Went down with minimal fussing. Which is good because his cries will tear at your heartstrings.

Adlai's cries are much more nuanced these days.  There's the "I'm starving!!" cry, which we haven't heard in a while because we're getting better at catching his hunger cues, the "I need a new diaper!" cry, the "I'm so tired!" cry, and the "I'm lonely! Get in here!!" cry. The last one, the "lonely" cry is by far the saddest of them all. I think he will enjoy naps and bedtime so much more when he's allowed to snuggle with Morse the Bunny or Edison the Dog. We have quite the social butterfly on our hands.

So here are some pictures that I've needed to post for a while, and at the end is a new video which I recorded during tummy time earlier today. Please excuse the shaky camerawoman and please ignore the mess that seems to surround my child.

Ah, sweet, so bright, so early.

"Look Mom! I can almost touch my toes!"

Adlai in his new overalls. 

Adlai in his new swing. Note to self: Do not place well-fed infant in swing immediately after meals unless you want to clean spit up. Whoops.

His Royal Cuteness

Up close and personal.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Adlai as cute as ever. Me? Needing make-up and another cup of coffee. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sleep To Live!

Song of the Day: Sleeping To Dream by Jason Mraz

Somewhere between Durham and Greensboro on I-40 is a mattress company, factory, store, something or another whose motto is Sleep To Live.

That very well might be the Barringer motto these days. Sleep To Live, or, Sleep To Stay Sane.

Thankfully, Mr. Adlai decided to sleep from 10PM to 7AM last night.


And we lived today. Lived like human beings. Well, Adlai seems to do just fine, whatever the amount of sleep. It's me and Fitz that were not so much like zombies today.

A good night's rest and a pot of coffee this morning for me, and all was right with the world again!

So hopefully, tonight will go just as well. We'll see how it goes!
You look well rested, sir. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Snow! Sharks!

Song of the Day: Cold Is The Night by The Oh Hellos

It's snowing here in Charlotte, NC! Pictures of the snow to come later...

But now, a shark:

Friday, February 8, 2013

Let the Teething Begin!

Song of the Day: New song released from FATT! Out Of My League by Fitz and The Tantrums

I read somewhere that parenting is always two steps forward, one step back. Well, I think we've taken about three steps back, but that's OK because Adlai is the cutest baby in the world. I can say that because I'm his momma. But here's some proof:
Adlai enjoying his Bumbo seat...good thing we got it out of the closet because his legs might be too fat for it next week...
So about two weeks ago, out little angel figured out what sleeping through the night was all about. I thanked him every morning for being able to sleep from midnight to 6:30AM. I was turning back into a real person. One that made sensible choices and folded laundry and even made Chicken Marsala for dinner. 

But this past week, no such luck. Back up at 1, 2, 3 AM, and man, were we spoiled by the previous week. It's OK, we told ourselves. We know he can do it, we'll get back on track, no worries. Besides, our kid's a genius. And adorable. And smart. And cute. 

And then, last night. 

Feeding at 1AM, not so bad. But then what started as a whimper at 5:44AM quickly spiraled into inconsolable wailing. We changed his diaper. We rocked. We sang (I went through the entire James Taylor canon). I offered him more food, but no. I offered him his paci, but no. It wasn't until I stuck a washcloth corner into his mouth that he began to calm down as he chewed on it. Then, he fell asleep. 

Teething? The drool. The crankiness. The insatiable need to have something in his mouth at all times. I think we have a child who's teething. 

I can't believe our little munchkin is about to sprout teeth. 

It's true, they grow up so fast.