Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Song of the Day: All Must Be Well by Matthew Smith

Short post today, but here's Adlai's first month birthday photo!

Adlai with Edison the dog...Fitz has decided to name all the stuffed animals after famous inventors. A delightful notion. I seconded it.
Our Christmas tree is up! We're getting ready to celebrate Christmas with our loved ones and our lovely one, the munchkin.

Names we call Adlai: our little prince, our little statesman, chieftain, bugaboo, munchkin, hobbit, and other names I can't remember right now...

Very short post. We have a munchkin to attend to!

Monday, December 10, 2012

High Waters

Song of the Day: Don't Shoot Me Santa by The Killers (just the delightful morbid humor Rodgers tend to enjoy...)

Oh, Adlai, you're getting so big so fast!
This is from last night. We like to put him in his stroller and roll into the kitchen when we fix dinner. He likes the sounds of the sink and the oven fan.

I'd also like to point out that hairline. Totally a Fitz trait. That is Fitz hair.

While we were out at Dean and Deluca for lunch on Saturday, a lady came over to admire Adlai, noted his hairline, and then proceeded to comb my hairline to see if he had gotten it from me. I kindly said, No, he gets that from his daddy. Thankfully, Fitz was spared the hairline inspection. Wearing a headband I suppose invites people to investigate.

We suspected Adlai might have been going through a growth spurt last week. He was, after all, three weeks old so therefore due for one, and also begging to be fed almost constantly.

Why it surprised us yesterday, then, to see his sleeves were too short for his arms, I can't tell you. I suppose we just thought he'd always stay cute and small.

He'll always be cute. Just perhaps not so small.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Song of the Day: Some Nights by Fun.

Having a newborn is amazing. It's so much fun to watch him change day to day, learn his facial expressions, experience milestones like a half-smile or many seconds of him lifting his head all by himself.

It just fills my heart with ooey-gooey marshmallowy joy and thanksgiving.

And then just when you think you can't possibly handle any more sap, scenes like these happen:

And I realize I'm living with the two cutest boys alive.

Cue tears of happiness. And fatigue. But mostly, really, 99.9% pure joy.

Friday, November 23, 2012

What's In a Name?

Song of the Day: Sweet Child O'mine performed by Sheryl Crow

Adlai William is finally here! He was born on November 14 at 1:12 in the afternoon. He weighed 9 pounds and 2 ounces! He came out crying and healthy and rosy!

Here's something we put together to explain his name and what it means...

But first, an adorable picture...

Dreaming of food...

Welcome Adlai William Barringer!
Why we chose the name Adlai…

  • Pronounced AD-lye (it can be pronounced AD-lay, but we prefer it the other way!). Think other Biblical names that end in “ai” and are pronounced with the “i” sound: Haggai, Mordecai, El Shaddai...
  • Can have three different meanings:
    • Refuge of God – We pray that not only would our son find refuge in the Lord but that others might find God’s loving refuge in our son’s presence. Psalm 5:11 But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in You. Psalm18:2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
    • God is just – We hope that our son will seek to understand God’s perfect justice and therefore also understand God’s perfect mercy. Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 30:18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!
    • My ornament – God has given us a child! And he is our beloved ornament forever. Psalm 127:3 Children are a gift of the Lord!
  • Biblical reference: In I Chronicles 27:29, we learn that Adlai was the father of Shaphat who was in charge of King David’s herds of the valleys. Thus, Adlai is the prophet Elisha’s grandfather. We pray that our Adlai would seek to be a shepherd for the Lord’s people.
  • Historical reference(s): Adlai Stevenson I, II, III, and IV. Adlai Stevenson I was Grover Cleveland’s vice president, and his grandson Adlai Stevenson II was the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations during the Cuban Missile Crisis who famously demanded of the Russians, “Don’t wait for the translation, answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’!”

Why we chose the name William...

  • We would like to honor Katherine’s great-grand-stepfather, George William Atkins, in passing on a family name. While George seems the more obvious choice, William means “resolute guardian or protector,” and this name meaning best encapsulates who he was (although George means “farmer” which he also was!). George William Atkins was a protector of this country, serving aboard the USS Massachusetts during WWII. He was also a protector of his family, namely his wife, Katherine’s great-grandmother Mary Louise, and most particularly as she battled Alzheimer's disease. Finally, George was a protector of the faith. He prayed constantly, read his Bible daily, and sang hymns joyfully. We hope and pray that Adlai William grows into the kind of man George was, a protector for those who can not protect themselves and a protector who understands from where true strength comes.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Where's the Baby??

Song of the Day: Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears (Have I used this one recently? It's been stuck in my head, so I forget...)

Oh, Baby B.

Well, Saturday, I'll officially be 40 weeks, and who knows when he'll decide to make his grand entrance into the world! Again, I was 10 days early and Fitz was 10 days late, so there's a chance he'll show up on his official due date, right on time, showing up exactly when he's supposed to. Which would be typical for him, the product of two first-born, neurotic, Type-A individuals. Augh, I feel sorry for him already...and I really feel sorry for any other subsequent children we might have.

The fall weather here in Charlotte is just perfect, and the trees are at their peak color.

I love fall. So wonderful. Scarves, decaf lattes, jean jackets, crunchy leaves on the ground to step on...

Now that it's a bit cooler, we feel more justified in making soups for dinner. Here's the recipe for the one we made last's a favorite. And don't be scared by the cinnamon; it's the best part!
Anne Burrell's Chicken Noodle Soup!

I love her explanation for how she ended up putting lemon and cinnamon and nutmeg in this soup (you have to watch the video for the full story), but yes, this soup does leave you feeling warm and cozy, especially if you're about to leave the bar at 2AM. Which we're not. But sometimes leaving the couch at 10:30PM to haul up a flight of stairs is just as daunting. At least for me it is.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Song of the Day: All I Want Is You by Barry Louis Polisar

Congratulations to our San Francisco Giants on the World Series! We were delighted to see the Giants sweep their victory 4-0. After some disappointing games, it was nice to be on the winning side of things (although UNC's victory over State in football on Saturday was pretty remarkable).

Here we are at Giants Stadium in San Francisco last summer...we got the most terrific sunburns that day.
My mom and dad drove up last Thursday to help with some painting in our new house, which was super nice of them to do. They painted the trim in our front living room, and it's amazing how much better it looks in there! Thanks Mom and Dad!

And Baby B? He's getting big. And strong. I think this kid definitely needs to get enrolled in YMCA soccer as soon as possible, he's got a great kick. I'm feeling good, just super tired these days. Thank goodness for Fitz and ready-made food from the Fresh Market!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Four Years and Counting!

Song of the Day: Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens

Today we celebrate our 4th Wedding Anniversary!
I do, I do, I do!

It's hard to believe that four years have already flown by! And we have a baby on the way! And we have a house! Wow! We have a lot to be thankful for, and we surely are grateful.

Here's to many more years! And now, off to a nice dinner in might be the last one in a while!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Final Countdown!

Song of the Day: 1,000 Times by Tahiti 80

Well, here we more month to go until Baby B's official due date! Of course, he may come earlier or later. I was 10 days early, and Fitz was 10 days late. So, maybe Baby B will average out and show up when he's actually due!

Also, officially, I'm a waddler. It is impossible for me to walk like a normal person anymore.

I also got my first "You look like you're ready to pop!" comment the other day at Home Depot.

Fitz is enjoying his new job and the people he works with a lot. We're very thankful things have worked out so well with our move and his new job and getting ready for Baby B. I'm having fun at home, resting, napping, eating, and getting ready for a baby to join our family.

We took a childbirth class over the weekend, and it was really good for us to go to. We learned a lot, asked about what happens if Dad passes out, which he won't but just in case, and we practiced some breathing techniques for pain management. One of the suggestions was to spell words to help keep your mind distracted and your breathing regular. The very first thing I could think of was "C-A-R-O-L-I-N-A!"

Poor Baby B...I hope he likes light blue!

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Lawyer-Farmer and His Lawyer-Farmer Wife?

Song of the Day: Romulus by Sufjan Stevens

Fitz and I love our new house. Like I mentioned before, there are quirks to this place, but what place doesn't? And honestly, quirky people need a quirky home.

Turns out our quirky home is a pine straw/cone farm.

In a small amount of land, we have an over-abundance of pine trees and thus an over-abundance of pine straw and pine cones. But perhaps we can turn this into a lucrative advantage...

Marinate, you pine cones!
Evidently, people pay for cinnamon pine cones. Well, not this family! We make our own cinnamon pine cones, and if they turn out all right, I will be starting a cinnamon pine cone business. We'll have to see how they do, though. I've got three zip-loc bags of marinating pine cones, and I'm supposed to leave them alone for a few weeks.

Fitz has been really enjoying his new job so far. Lots of good people, making new friends. I've been making new friends too and reconnecting with old ones. If they're lucky, they'll get cinnamon pine cones...and maybe a bale of pine straw for their mulch.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wonderful Time of Year

Song of the Day: Kissing a Fool by Michael Buble

This is a sappy, gooey, warm-fuzzy post.


It's October! If I could, I would wrap a warm scarf around this post. Never mind it's 77 degrees outside.

This is the most romantic month of the year. Fall leaves, moondances, our anniversary, Halloween. Well, Halloween might not be very romantic, but it was the first time I brought Fitz by to meet my parents, so there's a little bit of sappy nostalgia I get when Halloween rolls around. And wow, that was five years ago now! Where does time go?

October is also wonderful because of things like this:
Earl Grey with milk and sugar. Perfect on a rainy October morning.
How adorable is this mug? Fitz got it for me. So when it's cold outside, I can enjoy my sweet owl mug and gaze into the eyes of this funny creature as I sip my tea.

And as for gooey? Well, last Friday was my late grandmother's birthday, and so to honor her, I made her chocolate pie. I even bought the Cool Whip that goes on top.
And I ate it. And maybe a slice more.

Autumn, fall. It's magical. George Eliot is quoted as having said,

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."

And our little one is rapidly approaching his due date! He's a squirmy one! We often wonder if he'll be as squirmy on the outside as he's been on the inside. I guess we'll find out soon!

So happy we're having a fall baby. He may even decide to show up at the end of October, who knows? I have to admit, I'm a litle sad we're missing out on dressing him up for Halloween this year, because of this:
Who wouldn't want to be a goldfish for Halloween??
But I'm not too worried. There'll be next year, and the year after that...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is That What I Think It Is?

Song of the Day: Headlights by Morning Parade

We have another pet!
Oh look at the darling swing set...wait, is that a lizard on our window??
Yes, indeed it is a lizard, but of the cute bright green variety. They are most welcome since I suspect they eat a lot of bugs. Climb on, friend, climb on.

We also have another pet...a little less friendly...
Ahhhh, it's a spider!!
Yes, it's a spider, but I'm sure to your never ending relief, it's fake. It's plastic. But there's a great story behind this little fellow:

Many years ago, Fitz and I went out to dinner around Halloween time, and I ordered some special spooky cocktail which featured this not-so-little black spider swimming around in my glass. Well, he was just too cute to leave in the bottom of my martini glass, so he came home with us, and thus began the great Spider Prank Wars. Basically, I hid the spider in Fitz's cereal, and when he found it and freaked out, he then would hide the spider where I would find it, like in the shower or in a cooking pot. We traded pranks back and forth for at least a couple of years...until one day, he was hidden so well, neither of us found the spider and we eventually forgot about him.

But then one day, some unsuspecting young man who was packing up all our belongings to move from Winston-Salem to Charlotte came across our little spider friend, and he almost had a heart attack.


So glad he made the move, though.

Well, I'm off to harvest pine cones! Don't be surprised to receive cinnamon pine cones for Christmas!

And Happy Birthday to Fitz's dad, Ted! We hope you have the best day ever!

Ted's birthday back in 2009 with Neils and Pickens!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Wabbit and A World Wide Web

Song of the Day: Jimmy Mack by Martha Reeves and The Vandellas (yep, finally made it out of the library; we've got Internet at home now and I can play YouTube videos as loud as I want.)

As promised, here's our bunny!
Makes me think of the Velveteen Rabbit...

...and Peter Rabbit, although would that make Fitz Mr. McGregor?
The pictures are a little blurry since they were taken from inside on the second floor through the window glass, but clearly, we have a bunny in our yard. I am very excited about our bunny because he might be the closest thing to a pet I'll ever have, until I have a few more kids and we all out-vote Dad on getting a puppy. But in the meantime, a cute brown bunny with a white tail works for me.

Yesterday morning I went to my first doctor's visit here in Charlotte to check up on Baby B. Everything looks great! He's getting big, and it seems, at least while at the doctor's, that he is already in the head-down position, which is normal and typical for 32 weeks.

When we go to the grocery store, it's weird to look at expiration dates and say, "By the time this bag of tortillas expire, we'll have a week old baby." And tortillas are perishable, it's not like they can hang out forever like soy sauce. So, potentially, I will still have an edible tortilla in the refrigerator from the bag I bought on Monday when Baby B arrives in November. Weird.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pictures of Peter Cottontail Coming Soon!

Song of the Day: Still at the library...shhhh...

Being a homeowner is exhausting. And rewarding. And overwhelming. And quiet. But the quiet thing probably won't last a whole lot longer, thanks to Baby B's imminent arrival. We love our new house, and it's starting to take shape as the boxes slowly disappear, or as I should say, as our friend Lindsay takes the boxes away for her upcoming move. Thanks Linds!

On Sunday after church, we were upstairs admiring our backyard from the office windows when we spied a brown bunny with a white cottontail! He munched and munched on our "grass" (our "grass" isn't really grass, it's more weedy and survival plants than anything, something we'll get to later). Pictures coming Thursday! I also know that we have chipmunks running around and Fitz has encountered a small green lizard out back a few times. Ah, nature. Something we missed out on living on the 14th floor in Winston-Salem.

There are the cute things of nature and of course the not-so-cute things of nature. Fitz must love me a lot. He kills any and every bug I point out without any hesitation or "Why don't you do it?"

Now, I don't want to give the impression that our home is buggy. It's not. Just one or two critters a week thinking they can find a dry home. Well, they thought wrong. My eagle eyes and my dutiful husband make an excellent bug-killing team.

I also don't want to give the impression that we're killing cute bugs (yes, there is such a thing). Crickets, certainly, would get a free pass as do ladybugs. Butterflies would almost be welcome in the house. But these critters are more content outside for now, I suppose. I would love to have a butterfly as a house guest in the winter. Can you imagine the photo-ops possible with Baby B around? "Katherine, this picture of a butterfly on Baby B's nose is amazing! Did you photo-shop this?" "Why, no, we just had a butterfly lodge with us over February." Move over, Anne Geddes.

Fitz had his first day of work yesterday, and it went great! The commute was not nearly as bad as we were thinking it might be, and he really enjoyed seeing old friends and colleagues. Right now, it's a lot of orientation, but I think he's really pleased with starting at this firm. We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome Home!

Song of the Day: None today because we're at the library and we're supposed to stay quiet!

We did it! We officially moved to Charlotte, and while it's been tiring, it's been really exciting to get settled into our new home! Fitz has been painting, scrubbing, unpacking; I've been trying to keep things organized and clean. I started to unpack my clothes a few days ago until I realized I can't fit any of these things and won't be able to for a while, so in the plastic bin my cute clothes will stay.

We love our house. It's cute, quaint, just enough room, and quirky. Here are some quirks we've discovered:
1. There is no sneaking in this house. It is impossible to sneak around, especially if you're upstairs. Your every move is heard from below.
2. The hot water is the hottest water on the planet. I dare anyone to challenge this claim.
3. You must shut the refrigerator door softly. Otherwise, when you try to reopen it, the suction will keep it closed semi-permanently.
4. Pine straw kills grass. Therefore, Fitz is relieved of his mowing duties until we can sort out this abundance of pine straw.

We're supposed to get our Internet set up for us next Thursday, so updates on life in Charlotte will be more frequent than right now. Until then, we've got a baby shower on Saturday and Fitz's first day of work on Monday!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Moving On

Song of the Day: This Road by Jars of Clay

Well, we've left Winston-Salem temporarily, but we've canceled our Internet indefinitely. So, the next weeks, our posts will most likely be sporadic.

But never fear! We will return with updates once we're settled in Charlotte!

'Til then, well, good night and good luck!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Song of the Day: Right Here Right Now by Jesus Jones

Quick blog today to let you know where Fitz and I stand on certain things. Below are two of our favorite products of all time. They are both fairly recent purchases, but we anticipate being loyal consumers for a very, very long time.

This is Fitz's pick. He swears this is the best toothpaste he's ever used. We are huge fans of the baking soda. Actually, this is not the exact kind we get, the CompleteCare, but you get it. Arm & Hammer rules.

This is my pick. I bought it yesterday, and I can tell you now, I will be taking this everywhere with me. This is the Snoogle. It's a body pillow that supports your back, knees, hips, and head while pregnant, although I'm sure I'll have it around after Baby B arrives. Even after one night, I'm completely sold.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hoarders: Barringer-Style

Song of the Day: Red Light by Jonny Lang

I really, truly believed that during our last move we did a good job sorting and donating and throwing out. It appears that towards the end of that sorting-donating-throwing-out process, I just threw things into bags and said, I'll get to it later. Well, later has arrived, and yesterday, I finished the job I started a year ago. I think.

Both Fitz and I hang onto things. We're both hoarders, but in different ways. I tend to keep paper. I still have instructions for how to set up my voicemail on my work phone back at Kenan-Flagler Business School. I have old pay stubs from 2009. And I have cards. Mountains of cards. Cards I got in the mail when I was a freshman at Carolina. Now, disclaimer: I can't throw the cards away, I'm just going to put them in a box neatly. For instance, I have a card from my grandmother in Charlotte thanking me for bringing Chick-fil-A for lunch and my new boyfriend named Fitz by to meet her and granddaddy. No way I'm throwing that away. That's sentimental and lovely.

But I could part with the voicemail instructions. And the pay stubs landed in the shredder pile.

Best gift ever to a law school graduate: a shredder. Thanks Mom!

Now, Fitz's hoarding is of a different kind.  Let me show you what I mean:

Shampoo, conditioner, lotion, soap, shower caps. We could start a B&B.
And these are the ones he's keeping. The others made it to the trash before I realized we should document this.

They do come in handy when we're traveling.

Also, in the back of Fitz's side of the closet lay hidden a bag containing at least a dozen pairs of new socks. This is why the old, holey socks must go. Because he already has replacements, still in their wrappings.

I won't even mention the golf balls.

OK, there were A LOT of golf balls.

I have a hard time letting go of the past, i.e. "Oh, remember this bookmark that I bought back in 2005?" and Fitz has a hard time letting go because of the future, i.e. "One day this shower cap will come in handy." We're working towards meeting in the middle in the present. I don't need a bookmark, and Fitz has never once in his life used a shower cap. If he does, I'll document that, too.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chaos Theory

Song of the Day: Queen of California by John Mayer

So, this is it folks. Our time is ticking down here, and fast. We've been trying to sort through all the stuff we've amassed over the past year, well, really years. I could have sworn we did a decent job donating things we didn't use or need last year when we moved, but evidently there's more to give away. Or just throw away. Nobody needs old, holey socks. Or a broken cheese grater.

What's truly sad is that it usually takes a move for me to actually go through and sort all my things. As both our moms would say, it's because you have to touch everything. Moms are so right (remember that, Baby B!). I have to say, I'm proud that I have finally gotten around to organizing my jewelry. My whole life, my jewelry has sat in tangled clumps. Well, not anymore. Again, it takes a huge change for me to even contemplate such organizational strides.

Is this what organization looks like?? It's beautiful! I see it so rarely...

Why yes, those are my hair clips as well that are now organized.
So, I'm pretty proud of my new plastic containers with dividers. It's the small victories, people.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hodge Podge Blog

Song of the Day: Glory of Love by Big Bill Broonzy

Once upon a time, Fitz and I decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. And as boyfriends and girlfriends often do, we decided to watch a movie together one evening. That movie was Intolerable Cruelty. It remains to this day one of our favorite movies, and when we can't quite figure out what to watch, it's usually the first movie that's suggested (unless we haven't seen Batman in a while). If you've never seen it, we highly recommend it. Here's a short clip:

We watched it last Saturday night, and because we're now an old married couple, we couldn't stay up to finish it, so we watched the last half yesterday. Again, if you haven't seen it, rent it today. Or Netflix it. Or whatever it is you young people do these days.

Check out our awesome pumpkin designs.
On a side note, this, I believe, is our first picture taken together, ever and as bf/gf. It was our first Halloween together (see the pumpkins?), and it was also the first time Fitz met my parents and my brother Allen, also in the picture. Mom knew Fitz was a keeper when he helped give out candy to the kids ringing our doorbell. I knew he was a keeper because he wore an orange shirt. He takes Halloween very seriously, which is a must for a good and proper husband. I think we had already watched Intolerable Cruelty by the time Halloween rolled around. 

Last night we made Pioneer Woman's Chicken Spaghetti. We have a ton leftover, which is not a bad thing. In fact, it's a glorious truth because it means we don't have to cook again for dinner tonight. It's really good, and it definitely will make the fall/winter rotation, joining other winners like Vegetable Soup and Chili. It's just good comfort food that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and cheesy inside. In fact, all this talk about pumpkins and candy and cheese is making me very excited about the fall quickly approaching...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Do You Know Any Lawyer Jokes?

Song of the Day: Youth By Daughter

Well, after today, Fitz has only one more week at the courthouse. It's been such a great year, and I think Fitz would tell you that he learned a lot. Like, A LOT. And he really enjoyed it. Let's take a look back to about a year ago, graduating law school and getting sworn in as a real lawyer...
Right before the graduation ceremony...I can't tell you how badly I want to get that little string off his glasses, didn't notice it at the time, obviously totally taken in by his charming smile. I will be photoshopping that string out at some point.

Yay Fitz! Get that diploma!

After the ceremony, Fitz takes a picture with good law school buddies.

Fast forward through the bar exam, there's Fitz getting sworn in at the state courthouse.

You can tell Fitz takes these things very seriously.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Taco Sauce Makes Everything Better

Song of the Day: Working My Way Back To You by The Spinners

Last night, Fitz and I made Rachel Ray's Mexican Lasagna, and we've decided it's a keeper. Of course, we switched out the ground chicken for ground beef (there's something about ground chicken that weirds me out, like it's supposed to be in breast or leg form, not little tidbits). And no, we didn't use spinach tortillas. We could have, but we didn't. Maybe next time. All the same, it turned out pretty well and it was super easy to make.

While cooking...
Fitz: What's that going into the beef?
Me: It's just taco sauce.
Fitz: (After sampling a little bit) Oh wow, I could pour that stuff on anything and everything.

I was about to laugh and say "yeah, right," but then I realized, I could too. Taco sauce is AMAZING.

There's hardly an hour that goes by these days that I don't feel Baby B kicking around. However, after our beach weekend, we feel like there's more evidence to suggest he's a shy kid. Whenever I'm around a lot of other people, he goes real quiet, but almost as soon as I leave and find some quiet space either by myself or with Fitz, Baby B performs some amazing acrobatics.  I also think Baby B really responds to his dad's voice whereas I think he's probably tired of hearing my renditions of every camp song I can remember. But we do like to play the "poke" game. I'll poke my tummy a few times, and within seconds, he'll poke back in almost the same spot.

Well, the countdown continues as we are rapidly approaching the end of our year in Winston-Salem. We've really loved Winston-Salem, and who knows, maybe one day we'll find ourselves back in this town. But we're getting pretty excited about moving to Charlotte. Hard to believe it's actually happening!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Too Much Information

Song of the Day: Morning Comes by Delta Rae (I enjoy this music video a lot for some reason)

Fitz and I went for a short weekend at the beach and had a wonderful, wonderful time. Fitz was able to play golf, I was able to relax, and we were both able to spend some time in the ocean where I discovered, no, my belly does not make me more buoyant.

This morning, I had to go back to the doctor's to get my RhoGAM shot, which is just a shot for mothers who are Rh negative like me (my blood type is A negative). Not a big deal, just a shot in case Baby B is blood type something positive. So I went by myself, no big deal, and I dressed appropriately: my long comfy strapless dress with a cardigan I could easily remove so the nurse could administer the shot to my arm. Shots typically do not bother me because I've had to get used to needles donating blood, and the needles they use to suck the blood out of your arm make anything else looks silly and tiny. So I was ready for this shot, no big deal.

As I sat in the waiting area, I wondered why I didn't have to sign in for the lab, and I was even more curious as to why they were putting me in my own room. The sweet nurse came in and asked, "Well, what can I do for you today?" Obviously, she knew why I was there, but I answered I was there to get my RhoGAM shot.

"All right then, if you would just lean over the table and pull up your dress..."


This shot was going in my hip, and this needle was not kidding around. And worse still, I couldn't for the life of me remember which pair of underwear I had on. I just prayed they weren't the ones with holes in the waistband.

"Now, this is going to burn a little. Do you want me to go a little at a time or all at once?"

Trying to shut out the anxiety that was rapidly infiltrating my thoughts, I answered, "All at once. Let's do this."

She stared at me and said, "If I could make a suggestion, we'll just take it slow, OK?"

Two minutes later I came out and delicately sat down in my car seat and drove home, starting to understand that this was only the beginning of losing "privacy." And I also decided I would go out shopping this afternoon for some new unmentionables that I would not be ashamed to show off.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reading/Listening Rainbow

Song of the Day: Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley

Fitz got up this morning at the crack of dawn and set off for a day in Charlotte to attend a class for lawyers who have recently passed the bar. He'll be back later tonight, and then tomorrow, we both will set off for a day in Charlotte and a fast weekend in Myrtle Beach.

The Geek Squad
I have been told numerous times that on our upcoming road trips that we will be listening to a book on tape that Fitz just finished, and because it was so good, he doesn't mind listening to it again. It's called Unbroken. He's been listening to it on his runs and many times has come back home saying either, "I couldn't help but laugh out loud," or "I almost started crying listening to this's fantastic." So I'm really excited to be able to share in this story that Fitz loves so much. I believe Fitz has now moved on to listening to Lord of the Flies 

I just finished reading The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. I read it in hours, and I loved every second of it. It's so nice knowing that other women out there remember certain events by what they were wearing. And it was such a sweet story about Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman, and her boyfriend-fiance-husband and how they met and got together. It was the perfect summer read for me and a nice change of pace from all the Agatha Christie I had been reading earlier. The only hint or contemplation of murder in this book is when Ree is inquiring after her boyfriend's previous relationships:

I was a girl. I simply had to know.
"I was...," he began. "Well, I was dating someone else."
I'll kill her with my bare hands.
(from page 112)

Can't deny I've ever thought that. But that was the only murder/violence bit. No funny egg-headed Belgian men showing up on a cattle ranch.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sugar Rush

Song of the Day: Somebody Told Me by The Killers

This morning Fitz and I went to the doctor's office to take my glucola test, a test that will help catch gestational diabetes. I'd been referring to this test as a "glucoma" test for while, I suppose confusing it in my head with "glaucoma." Whoops. The test consists of drinking 8oz. of a sugary sweet concoction, waiting an hour, and then having your blood drawn. I was a little worried about stomaching this juice, but actually it tasted like flat Orange Crush, and really, that's not so bad. It reminded me of something I would usually drink at a picnic or cookout, some kind of sweet Kool-Aid that could have been watered down a tad more but hey, it's free so who cares.

This morning, Fitz made me scrambled eggs for some good protein before my test. Fitz makes awesome scrambled eggs. He always add some milk to the eggs when he whisks them, which makes them fluffy, and then nukes the crap out of them without browning or burning them, low and slow in the pan.

Everyone has their own way of making scrambled eggs. My mom's are like fluffy clouds, and my dad's are a bit browned and usually fried in the leftover bacon or sausage grease. I honestly can't remember the last time I made scrambled eggs because either Fitz, Mom, or Dad is always making scrambled eggs for me. I live a good life.

We discovered this morning at the doctor's that Fitz and I somehow got a little off in keeping track of how far along Baby B is. The due date is still November 10, but on Saturday, I'll officially be entering the third trimester, the home stretch! No wonder in the morning, trying to roll out of bed, I'm starting to feel like this:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fitz, Tantrums, Knives, and Mike Tyson

Song of the Day: Pickin' Up the Pieces by Fitz and The Tantrums

Two disclaimers today:
1. Katherine here, bloggin' on her own today!
2. I'm pretty much obsessed with Fitz and The Tantrums. I'm obsessed with Fitz Barringer as well.

For as long as we've been married, Fitz has been the ultimate sous-chef. I try to look like I'm busy stirring the pan on the stove top while Fitz busily chops up everything. And, of course, once he's chopped up everything, he starts cleaning up the dishes. Meanwhile, I try to look absorbed and busy in what I'm doing, tasting everything multiple times, saying things like, "Oh, I think this tastes good. Maybe a little more salt..." Because a little more salt could never hurt anything, right?

Fitz is master chopper in our family. He has a Japanese knife that he received for Christmas last year which could probably chop shoe leather, not that we've tried (yet). Lately, Fitz has been chopping up fruit and storing it in the refrigerator. Makes for a great, convenient snack. Especially if you're pregnant and equally starving and lazy.

Sorry, Fitz, I ate a LOT of the fruit this morning.
And yes, that is DECAF Earl Grey tea in a Christmas mug. I love our eclectic collection of mugs. Christmas in August! I feel merry every time I see it. Merry enough to hum Jingle Bells this morning.

Fitz and I wound up at the library on Saturday to check out some books...well, Fitz checked out books, I looked through the DVDs. We did find a book which will hopefully be the answer to our prayers:

We'll most likely need The Complete Idiot's Guide to Parenting as well.
Baby B is kickin' up a storm these days. We call him our little soccer player, but yesterday Fitz said that maybe Baby B is more of a Mike Tyson. All I could envision was our kid biting the ear off of another kid in preschool. I think I will go ahead and order that Idiot's Guide to Parenting.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Thousand Words, Give or Take

Song of the Day: Murder of One by Counting Crows

Well, it seems that the Olympics have consumed all our free time that we have neglected our blog! To make up for it, here are a bunch of pictures we've come across lately, whether we've taken them on walks or flipped through old files as we transfer info onto a different computer.

Wait Chapel...a lovely picture Fitz took on our walk from Reynolda to Wake Forest.
Our beautiful wedding cake!
Katherine and her best W-S friend Denis at Reynolda House.

Flowers that Ma and Da brought us today as they made their way back from the mountains today.

Roses that Fitz bought Katherine on Monday for no good reason besides missing her as she traveled to Durham earlier in the week.

The Emmas from Ireland, Katherine, and Karyn (and Baby B)
Emma from Ireland, Katherine, and Karyn from years ago.
Fitz with the Capitol in the background, circa 2009.

Our engagement photo; we look so young!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Let The Games Commence!

Song of the Day: Let Me Feel You Shine by David Crowder Band

For those of you who know Fitz well, you can have no doubt what is on television every night this week and the next: the Olympics. While we're watching the Olympics on NBC, one of our very good friends sent us a link with the intro video that those in Britain saw featuring none other than Benedict Cumberbatch, one of our favorite actors who stars in  BBC's Sherlock. Here it is:

It's pretty cool and very British. And in honor of our British cousins across the pond, on Saturday morning, we made scones (with Irish butter!) and Katherine was able to find Devonshire cream, or clotted cream, to go along with our delicious baked goods.


...and after (no worries, Katherine ate that last bite).
We even found our nice china tea cups to use; alas, no saucers, but we made do. It was a lovely way to enjoy our Saturday morning.

Last night, we watched the Olympics with some friends, one of which was passing through the city, so it was great to see him, eat Pad Thai, and watch some events together.

So far, it's been a busy week for Fitz at work, but it's hard to believe that he only has one more month to go! And Katherine will end her time at Reynolda House tomorrow. We have both thoroughly enjoyed our time at our respective places, and we will miss our friends. Coming soon: Charlotte!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Song of the Day: Pocket Full of Sunshine (Emma Stone's version)

Thanks to a friend at Reynolda House, we were given tickets to see the Winston-Salem Dash baseball team play Saturday night. The last time we attempted to go to a ball game, it was 4th of July last year, and we experienced the greatest torrenntial rain Durham had ever seen, resulting in us enjoying Cook-Out milkshakes and watching fireworks on PBS from our couch, no baseball. This time, we got lucky as we sat in our awesome seats and watched dark storm clouds move to the north and south of the stadium. We got a few sprinkles, but after the recent heat wave, they were most welcome. The Dash, sadly, did not win against the Fredrick Keys, but we had a wonderful night. Perhaps the highlight of the night was the incredible catch Fitz made (besides his lovely wife Katherine): a foul ball!

At the BB&T Ballpark! Go Dash!

We were super impressed by the catcher for the Dash, our favorite player of the evening.

Towards the end of the evening...

...and this was taken at the beginning.

Can't really tell, but babies in animal costumes were raced in between innings...we think Baby B has a future in this sporting event.

The ball Fitz caught!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hazy and Healthy

Song of the Day: The Lucky Ones by Brendan James

It's hard to believe that it's been almost a month since learning that Baby B is a boy! We went back to the doctors this morning for a check-up, and everything seems to be going fine. We also got to hear his whoosh-whoosh heart beat, which is always fun. Katherine is feeling good so long as she stays cool and out of the heat, and Fitz has been taking very good care of her, including doing the dishes.

We discovered that Baby B likes desserts and sugar. Last Saturday night, Katherine had some of Fitz's favorite chocolate chip cookies from the Fresh Market and well as some ice cream, and soon thereafter, Baby B started to kick and squirm (in delight we're assuming). Fitz had been able to feel Baby B move around before, but he was surprised how much he was able to feel him dance around after dessert!

This past weekend, after doing a lot of research and trying out different brands, we bought a stroller! It was a great deal as we got an infant car seat for free with our purchase! Here's some pictures of Bruno filling in for Baby B, making sure everything was comfy...
Bruno! You look ready for a trip to the zoo!

And you're ready if it rains!

We hope Bruno realizes the stroller is not actually for him...
Also, this past weekend, Krispy Kreme celebrated its 75th birthday! They held a big celebration in Old Salem Saturday morning. Here are some pictures from that: