Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Too Much Information

Song of the Day: Morning Comes by Delta Rae (I enjoy this music video a lot for some reason)

Fitz and I went for a short weekend at the beach and had a wonderful, wonderful time. Fitz was able to play golf, I was able to relax, and we were both able to spend some time in the ocean where I discovered, no, my belly does not make me more buoyant.

This morning, I had to go back to the doctor's to get my RhoGAM shot, which is just a shot for mothers who are Rh negative like me (my blood type is A negative). Not a big deal, just a shot in case Baby B is blood type something positive. So I went by myself, no big deal, and I dressed appropriately: my long comfy strapless dress with a cardigan I could easily remove so the nurse could administer the shot to my arm. Shots typically do not bother me because I've had to get used to needles donating blood, and the needles they use to suck the blood out of your arm make anything else looks silly and tiny. So I was ready for this shot, no big deal.

As I sat in the waiting area, I wondered why I didn't have to sign in for the lab, and I was even more curious as to why they were putting me in my own room. The sweet nurse came in and asked, "Well, what can I do for you today?" Obviously, she knew why I was there, but I answered I was there to get my RhoGAM shot.

"All right then, if you would just lean over the table and pull up your dress..."


This shot was going in my hip, and this needle was not kidding around. And worse still, I couldn't for the life of me remember which pair of underwear I had on. I just prayed they weren't the ones with holes in the waistband.

"Now, this is going to burn a little. Do you want me to go a little at a time or all at once?"

Trying to shut out the anxiety that was rapidly infiltrating my thoughts, I answered, "All at once. Let's do this."

She stared at me and said, "If I could make a suggestion, we'll just take it slow, OK?"

Two minutes later I came out and delicately sat down in my car seat and drove home, starting to understand that this was only the beginning of losing "privacy." And I also decided I would go out shopping this afternoon for some new unmentionables that I would not be ashamed to show off.

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