Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Taco Sauce Makes Everything Better

Song of the Day: Working My Way Back To You by The Spinners

Last night, Fitz and I made Rachel Ray's Mexican Lasagna, and we've decided it's a keeper. Of course, we switched out the ground chicken for ground beef (there's something about ground chicken that weirds me out, like it's supposed to be in breast or leg form, not little tidbits). And no, we didn't use spinach tortillas. We could have, but we didn't. Maybe next time. All the same, it turned out pretty well and it was super easy to make.

While cooking...
Fitz: What's that going into the beef?
Me: It's just taco sauce.
Fitz: (After sampling a little bit) Oh wow, I could pour that stuff on anything and everything.

I was about to laugh and say "yeah, right," but then I realized, I could too. Taco sauce is AMAZING.

There's hardly an hour that goes by these days that I don't feel Baby B kicking around. However, after our beach weekend, we feel like there's more evidence to suggest he's a shy kid. Whenever I'm around a lot of other people, he goes real quiet, but almost as soon as I leave and find some quiet space either by myself or with Fitz, Baby B performs some amazing acrobatics.  I also think Baby B really responds to his dad's voice whereas I think he's probably tired of hearing my renditions of every camp song I can remember. But we do like to play the "poke" game. I'll poke my tummy a few times, and within seconds, he'll poke back in almost the same spot.

Well, the countdown continues as we are rapidly approaching the end of our year in Winston-Salem. We've really loved Winston-Salem, and who knows, maybe one day we'll find ourselves back in this town. But we're getting pretty excited about moving to Charlotte. Hard to believe it's actually happening!

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