Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Song of the Day: Some Nights by Fun.

Having a newborn is amazing. It's so much fun to watch him change day to day, learn his facial expressions, experience milestones like a half-smile or many seconds of him lifting his head all by himself.

It just fills my heart with ooey-gooey marshmallowy joy and thanksgiving.

And then just when you think you can't possibly handle any more sap, scenes like these happen:

And I realize I'm living with the two cutest boys alive.

Cue tears of happiness. And fatigue. But mostly, really, 99.9% pure joy.


  1. CUTE!!!!...except,...that's a Tarheel T-Shirt!!!
    Oh, and by the way, Mom's pretty cute too!!!

  2. Congrats you guys, what a beautiful and happy family! And yes, kudos on the UNC shirt.
