Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Wabbit and A World Wide Web

Song of the Day: Jimmy Mack by Martha Reeves and The Vandellas (yep, finally made it out of the library; we've got Internet at home now and I can play YouTube videos as loud as I want.)

As promised, here's our bunny!
Makes me think of the Velveteen Rabbit...

...and Peter Rabbit, although would that make Fitz Mr. McGregor?
The pictures are a little blurry since they were taken from inside on the second floor through the window glass, but clearly, we have a bunny in our yard. I am very excited about our bunny because he might be the closest thing to a pet I'll ever have, until I have a few more kids and we all out-vote Dad on getting a puppy. But in the meantime, a cute brown bunny with a white tail works for me.

Yesterday morning I went to my first doctor's visit here in Charlotte to check up on Baby B. Everything looks great! He's getting big, and it seems, at least while at the doctor's, that he is already in the head-down position, which is normal and typical for 32 weeks.

When we go to the grocery store, it's weird to look at expiration dates and say, "By the time this bag of tortillas expire, we'll have a week old baby." And tortillas are perishable, it's not like they can hang out forever like soy sauce. So, potentially, I will still have an edible tortilla in the refrigerator from the bag I bought on Monday when Baby B arrives in November. Weird.

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