Monday, January 23, 2012

Foggy Bloggy

Song of the Day: Green by Brendan James

Today was a very foggy day. Katherine finished both A Beautiful Blue Death and The Hunger Games, which is slightly problematic since each is the first of a series or trilogy. Lots more reading to do! Fitz is finishing Salem's Lot, which he listens to while he runs. It's pretty scary, and with the weather so foggy, listening to tales of the undead lurking in shadows make for an interesting run.

This evening we went to the first meeting of our Bible study group where we discussed C.S. Lewis' The Weight of Glory. We had a great time talking about the sermon which was given as England was in the midst of WWII. Everyone in our group was very nice, and we're looking forward to spending the rest of our time in Winston-Salem with them.

And right now, we're pulling for Kim Clijsters in the Australian Open! Go Kim!


  1. Hmmmm, writing about books being read, Kim Clijsters, etc and not mention the really neat item in today's blog? Brendan James is tooling around in a 1970 Cougar convertible!
    ...priorities, a life long lesson :)

    1. My, how very perceptive you are! And indeed correct about priorities! : )

