While today was sunny, the wind was a little too chilly for our tastes. But, spring is assuredly on its way and we're enjoying the weather as much as we can. And it's chili for dinner!
Katherine and Lindsay... |
...and Carolyn and Katherine! |
Carolyn and Katherine met playing karaoke at a mutual friend's house one evening when both were new to the Grad and Career group at The Church of the Good Shepherd back in Durham. They became super fast friends and share many wonderful and exciting memories: watching a hawk swoop down and grab a squirrel in Coker Arboretum (that was more horrifying than wonderful or exciting), sharing desserts at Nordstrom Cafe, going on walks, and spending a lot of time sipping coffee and giggling together over the years. Carolyn is an amazing artist, and often Katherine wears some yellow earrings Carolyn made especially for her! Katherine is actually wearing these earrings in the photos, but are hidden behind her hair.
It was a great weekend, and it's been a great start to the week. Fitz's trial is over, thankfully, so he should resume a more normal work pace and schedule. He looked very handsome today in his new suit. He plans on wearing his Tar Heel bow tie on Friday in support of UNC's game that day.
And yes, we did watch the UNC vs. Duke game. We were very relieved to see them redeem themselves, and we have great hopes for them in March Madness!
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