About a year ago, I took a pregnancy test, and lo and behold, it was positive! Here is my advice to those looking to have a baby one day but aren't pregnant yet...
Things I'm Sure Someone Told Me But I Forgot So Now I Think I'm an Expert On This Stuff
1. Be sure to appreciate your pre-pregnant body. Yes, pregnant body and postpartum body are beautiful and sexy, but be sure to appreciate your awesome pre-pregnant body. Embrace your cute body. Take lots of pictures of yourself looking fabulous in your skinny jeans and cute tops and killer high heels.
2. Go to a bar and get a drink. Or two. Because once you're preggers, that's it for a while, and then when you do have your first glass of wine post-baby, you'll be bombed by the second sip. So enjoy that girly cocktail or dark Guinness, and make sure you know it's your last for a while. Take a picture of it. Frame it.
3. Number 2 goes for sushi, deli meats, hot dogs, swordfish, and unpasteurized cheeses. So live it up!
4. Plan a trip with your hubby. Go somewhere awesome, and ask someone to take pictures of you and husband together. Fitz and I went to Grandfather Mountain the fall before I got pregnant, and I love the memories of that trip. Fitz was so brave going across the Mile High Bridge and I was such a wimp. But I jumped on rocks and was rugged and awesome and adventurous and free on those mountain trails, and believe me, when you've got a little teacup human inside you, you only walk on designated walkways, preferably those with benches. So have an adventure with your husband before the real adventure begins!
5. Spend lots of quality time with your friends. Friends are good for the mind, body, and soul. And funny bone. Appreciate them. Love them.
6. Save your money. Having babies is expensive. Worth every penny.
7. Spend your money. I know, I know, I just said to save, and yes, save, but if you and your husband want to spend money on something awesome like a trip to Boston or a new TV, do it because once the baby is here, you will be spending your money on a bouncer seat and diapers. Not bouncer seat OR diapers, bouncer seat AND diapers. AND a life insurance policy. AND his doctor's bills. AND his braces. AND his college tuition. Whoa, I just got light-headed. Did I mention save your money?
8. Enjoy silence. Once you're pregnant and then a mother, silence is a terrifying thing. Quiet is good, silence is bad. You anxiously wait to hear your baby's heartbeat at every doctor visit, and then when baby is here, you're always listening for his little breaths or sighs.
9. Read a book, not the internet, about pregnancy and talk to a mom or two, your own mom even. Find out what you really need to know and get some idea of what you're getting into, pregnancy symptoms through labor and post-delivery. You won't really know until you're there, but still, a basic understanding is good. And beware the internet! It can be your worst enemy at times. It can make you worry unnecessarily. But do have some good resources on your nightstand like What To Expect When You're Expecting (for husbands, I highly recommend The Expectant Father; there was super-helpful stuff in there I didn't read anywhere else).
10. Bask in God's love for you. Trying to get pregnant can come with a lot of ups and downs, a lot of hope and a lot of disappointment. But rejoice in knowing God loves you and sees you and cares for you. Spend time in His Word. Soak up sermons. Sing loudly. Sing softly. Let others sing for you when it's too much. Your Father knows your every need before you even ask. Spend time with Him every day so He can tell you how much He loves you.
And that's it. Fin.
Look how ruggedly handsome Fitz is! Grandfather Mountain is always fun to visit. |