Songs of the Day:
Underground by Ben Folds Five,
Odds Are by Barenaked Ladies, and
What You Wish For by Guster
First, a picture of Adlai...
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He's pulling up and standing all on his own! Yikes! |
OK, now I can proceed.
Last night, Fitz and I went to a concert over at Charlotte's Music Factory center/complex. It is an awesome venue. It's got a touch of the American Tobacco feel, back in Durham. It's so nice to find little places around Charlotte that remind us of Chapel Hill, Durham, and Winston-Salem.
Back to the concert. So, it was the
Last Summer on Earth Tour that featured Guster, Ben Folds Five, and Barenaked Ladies. I had seen Guster before (eek, maybe twice, I can't remember), and Fitz and I both went to a Ben Folds concert back when we were dating. It was great to re-experience two of our favorite music groups plus see for the first time the Barenaked Ladies, and they were all fantastic. Some memorable highlights:
1. Guster was awesome as always. The drummer is insane. He rarely, rarely actually uses drum sticks, mostly because he's playing the bongos but even when he's playing the cymbal, no stick required. It looked like the ultimate workout.
2. Ben Folds is the most amazing piano player ever. I caught myself wondering if Beethoven or Mozart ever punched a piano keyboard the way Ben Folds does.
3. Barenaked Ladies was fantastic. They are an amazing band to see live. The bass player is a crazy good dancer.
4. The lady in front of us was a petite woman with long, bleached hair and who was probably in her forties. She looked like what I imagine Avril Lavigne will look like down the road, short schoolgirl skirt and heavy black eyeliner still going strong. And we're guessing she was Canadian because she went crazy for the BNL and I think shouted "Hooray Canada!!" Crazy. Jumping. Singing. Hysterical. I was just glad she was petite so her jumping didn't impede our view.
5. There was a very pregnant woman behind us, sitting the whole time (not that I could blame her). When she left before Ben Folds Five had finished their act, I wondered if she perhaps she had gone into labor. But I'm sure she just was getting fed up with not being able to see.
6. I haven't been around that much pot smoke in a while. Not since the last Dave Matthews Band concert I went to.
7. I was surprised by how many young, and when I say young, I mean they weren't even born when BNL released "
One Week," people were at the concert. Good music reaches across the generations. I know this because I'm a big Eagles and America fan.
8. BNL sang Taylor Swift's
Trouble. I liked their version better.
9. It was a perfect night. If you're aware of the summer that Charlotte's been having weather-wise this year, this astounds you. And me.
And 10. I'm alarmed by how many times I've used the words "awesome" and "amazing" in this post. Oh well.
We forgot to bring Fitz's iPhone in with us, so we have no photos. Sorry. But it was super. Super dee duper.
The end.